Monday, July 11, 2011

Episode 013 is protected by the Windshield of Knowledge

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This Week:
A theme: "Knock It Off!"
We missed last week and just wouldn't shut up, so feel free to stop.

- Barack Obama is a Neo-Con?
- Michelle Bachman signs a vow but doesn't know what's in it
-- Which leads to a discussion of "Black Culture"
- Obama isn't a "Strong Black Man" but Herman Cane is
- Why is Jerry Falwell's University getting tax money?
- Emergency managers are appointed not elected
- A brief discussion of our version of hell
- a brief deiscussion of my parent's pastor and the US being a "Christian nation"
(while Andre snacks at the I WON'T turn it down)
- transubstantiation, Jesus, hell, etc
- randomness and destiny nad prophecies
- The Ten Commandments

Brought to you by The Windscreen of Knowledge(tm)

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